zaterdag 30 november 2013

Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth

‘s Hage, 4 december 1856.
Mr. François James Tyndall en Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth, weduwe wijlen
den weledelgestrenge heer mr. C.H. Perk, advocaat en auditeur-militair
te Amsterdam.
Mr. François James Tyndall en Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth, weduwe wijlen
den weledelgestrenge heer mr. C.H. Perk, advocaat en auditeur-militair
te Amsterdam.
’s Hage, 29 december 1856.
Door ’s Heeren goedheid beviel heden zeer voorspoedig van eene
dochter, Vrouwe E.S. Beth, hartelijk geliefde echtgenoote van mr. F.J.
’s Gravenhage, 18 october 1858.
Door ’s Heeren goedheid is heden zeer voorspoedig van een welgeschapen
zoon bevallen, Vrouwe E.S. Tyndall-Beth, hartelijk geliefde
echtgenoote van mr. F. J. Tyndall.
’s Hage, 19 januarij 1860.
Bevallen van eene dochter, Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth, hartelijk
geliefde echtgenoote van mr. J.F. Tyndall.
Voorburg, 23 augustus 1857.

TYNDALL de VEER, Emilie Francoise Victoria, geb. 18-08-1857 Voorburg, ovl. 27-08-1904

 TYNDALL de VEER, Emilie Francoise Victoria, geb. 18-08-1857 Voorburg, ovl. 27-08-1904.

vrijdag 29 november 2013

Gustaaf August Wesen Vrijdom Verzocht.

VVoornamen Gustaaf August
Geslachtsnaam Wesen
Slavennaam Gustaaf
Geboortedatum 1853
Geslacht man
Beroep Te jong
Datum manumissie 29-12-1858
Bedrag cautie 0
Bedrag borgtocht 0
Verwijzing /
Eigenaar Pl Nursery (Nickerie) en vrijdom verzocht door J. de Veer Tyndall privT en qq cs
Overige informatie GR 29-12-58, no. 1674; geb. 1853; zoon van Diana; broer van Betsy Elisabeth Wesen

Deze Beth Wesen staat op een der oudste foto´s met Betsy Tyndall -de Veer 


donderdag 28 november 2013

Jane Tyndall geboren

SEPTR., 1 8 ID. — ALSO, MRS. DOROTHY DUCOMMUN, OB. 4th OCTR., 1813, AET. 78. — 
ALSO, MRS. ELEONER TYNDALL, OB. 23d JULY, 1814, AGED (not inserted). 


woensdag 27 november 2013

Plantage Amsterdam

James & Peter Grant (Leguan)

James Grant (died Thoby Priory, Ingatestone, Essex, 1822) and Peter Grant (died Leguan, Essequibo, 1822) were brothers from Banff-shire who established themselves as plantation owners on Leguan Island, in the mouth of the river Essequibo. They had acquired the plantation, named Amsterdam, by 1804, when a mortgage over the property, from John & R Gladstone of Liverpool, was transferred to Peter Grant [E&DRG 21 May 1811].
James’s son, Charles, who inherited the property, was born in St Vincent c1792 [Census returns]. James, Peter and an older Charles Grant (a third brother?), together with a Thomas Fraser, traded in St Vincent under the name of Charles Grant & Co, formed on 9 March 1799. Their business included trade with America and James Grant had gone there in 1801to pursue their interests. [Frankland v McGusty in Reports of cases argued and determined before the committees of Privy Council, Volume 1, 1829-31]
At emancipation in 1834, almost £15000 compensation was paid for the 269 slaves who were freed on plantationAmsterdam. One third went to James's son, Charles, and two-thirds to the remaining trustee under his will, the judge Sir Nicholas C Tindall. [Legacies of British Slave Ownership]. There were two small counterclaims from a Jane Grant, in Georgetown, and a Sophia Grant, both of whom has received legacies of £50 from Peter Grant. In 1815 the 'mulatto women Jane and Sophia Grant' had sought formal letters of manumission on the grouns that they had lived in a state of 'reputed freedom' for more than ten years [D&ERG 8 July 1815].
[The evidence for their origin in Banff-shire is in the will of James Grant (PROB 11/1667/408) in which there are legacies to his sisters Sophia Angus, living in Keith, and Elizabeth Grant, living in Garmouth. Sophia Grant, from the parish of Keith, married James Angus, from the parish of Huntly, in 1789 (GROS 159/00 0040 0195).]

dinsdag 26 november 2013

Anna Margaret De Vere Tyndall overleden

SATURDAY MAY 8 1886 P 4 COL 1  The Argosy – Demerara BMDs  ‐ 1886 Died  BARR ‐ At Rio de Janeiro, on the 15th March, of yellow fever, Alexander Barr, late of Demerara, 5th son of John  Barr, Campsie Glen.    DE VERE TYNDALL ‐ At Rockhampton, Australia, Anna Margaret De Vere Tyndall, formerly of Pln. Nurserie,  Nickerie ‐  (Barbados papers please copy.) "Blessed are they, who fall asleep in the Lord." 

Tyndall Anna On the 23d Dec., at Rockhampton, Australia, Anna Margaret, beloved wife 
of J. de Vere Tyndall, late of Nursery Estate, Nickerie, Surinam, West 
1886 May 22 
from the London Times 

donderdag 14 november 2013

Francoise Emilie Josephine Marie Elisabeth Tyndall de Veer

Lambertus Harmsen
maandag 18 augustus 1879
Rutgert Wilhelm Arnold Harmsen
Francoise Emilie Josephine Marie Elisabeth Tyndall de Veer
maandag 18 augustus 1879
BS Geboorte
Het Utrechts Archief
Plaats instelling:
18 augustus 1879

Henricus Zacharias Alexander Gutteling
Bondowosa (res. Bezoekie/Ned. Indie)
Vader bruidegom:
Henricus Zacharias Alexander Gutteling
Moeder bruidegom:
Françoise Emilie Josephine Marie E. Tyndall de Veer
Hermina Catharina de Vries
Vader bruid:
Johannes Henricus Annes Eliza de Vries
Moeder bruid:
Gerrigje Bolt
donderdag 7 juni 1906
BS Huwelijk
Het Utrechts Archief
Plaats instelling:
7 juni 1906

woensdag 13 november 2013

plantage Nieuw Rotterdam

Suikerplantage Nursery aan de linkeroever van Nickerierivier stroomafwaarts.
De plantage grensde aan de koffieplantage Hazard, en de suikerplantage Waterloo. Eigenaren Joseph de Veer Tyndall (Nieuw Rotterdam) voor 126/490 aandeel; Anna Margaret Tapin, echtg. J. de Veer Tyndall (Nieuw Rotterdam) voor 77/490 aandeel; Henry Tyndall (1862: in Engeland; in 1863 in Nieuw Rotterdam) voor 84/490 aandeel; Joseph Tyndall (Nieuwpoort, graafschap Moumouthshire, Engeland) voor 84/490 aandeel; Sarah Roze Tyndall (Coronie; haar voogd is Thomas Tyndall) voor 77/490 aandeel en Frans James Tyndall de Veer (Nederland) voor 42/490 aandeel Aamson.
De plantage had op 1 juli 1863 nog 347 slaven die toen de vrijheid kregen.

dinsdag 12 november 2013

Sarah Rosa Tyndall overleden

Uit een langdurigen en betreurenswaardigen toestand van ziel en
lichaam, heeft het den Almachtige behaagd te redden en tot zich te
nemen onze zuster Sarah Rosa Tijndall. Zij overleed in den avond van
22 dezer, oud 51 jaren.
Namens de familie Tijndall, Ths. Tijndall, curator.
Suriname, 23 november 1871.
Algemeene kennisgeving.

Tyndall Sarah Rose On the 22d Nov., in the colony of Surinam, Dutch Guiana, Sarah Rose 
Tyndall, after many years of mental and bodily suffering, age 51. New 
Zealand papers, please copy.
1872 Jan 4
from the London Times 

Suikerplantage Nursery aan de linkeroever van Nickerierivier stroomafwaarts.
De plantage grensde aan de koffieplantage Hazard, en de suikerplantage Waterloo. Eigenaren Joseph de Veer Tyndall (Nieuw Rotterdam) voor 126/490 aandeel; Anna Margaret Tapin, echtg. J. de Veer Tyndall (Nieuw Rotterdam) voor 77/490 aandeel; Henry Tyndall (1862: in Engeland; in 1863 in Nieuw Rotterdam) voor 84/490 aandeel; Joseph Tyndall (Nieuwpoort, graafschap Moumouthshire, Engeland) voor 84/490 aandeel; Sarah Roze Tyndall (Coronie; haar voogd is Thomas Tyndall) voor 77/490 aandeel en Frans James Tyndall de Veer (Nederland) voor 42/490 aandeel Aamson.
De plantage had op 1 juli 1863 nog 347 slaven die toen de vrijheid kregen.

Voornaam Abraham
Achternaam Adamson
Slavennaam Poll
Geslacht man
Leeftijd 16
Beroep Geen
Godsdienst EBG
Plaats plantage Nursery
Verblijfplaats Nursery
Provincie plantage Nickerie
Borderelnummer PL154
Opmerkingen Blijkens borderel slavennaam Peel

maandag 11 november 2013

The Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1806

Ao. 1806 )
Essequebo and Demerary
( No. 179.

Saturday, the 31st of May.
Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Mr. Richard Deane, in 14 days.
Mr. P. Sweeny, in 14 days.
Mr. T. H. Parkinson, in 14 days.
Mr. J. C. Griffith, in 14 days.
Mr. Louis Chollet (Land Surveyor) in 14 days.
Mr. H. W. Lookey, in 14 days.
Mr. A. S. Wade, in 14 days.
Mr. George Sanders, in 14 days.
Mr. Thomas Rees, in 14 days.
Mrs. Broekhoff van Jaarsveld, Widow, with the first Convoy.
Mr. J. C. M'Farlane, with the first Convoy.
Mr. William Rose, in three weeks.
J. C. Stadtman, Senior Clerk.
Uit kragten van bekommen Authorisatien, zal den ondergeteekende Exploiteur ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen by executie opvylen en verkoopen op de 8ste July eerstkoomende; ten behoeven van Thomas Atkins eyscher en Triumphant, op, ende teegens A. W. Cozier Gedaagde en geexecuteerde de Gebouwen staande op den derde part van het Erss No. 15, op de voorgrond van plantagie Vlissingen, bestaande in een woonhuys lang 24 voeten en breed 15 voeten, een waschuys en secreet; mits gaaders een derde part van gemelde Loot of Erss No. 15 met alle zodaanige servituten en gerechtigheeden, als daartoe van ouds en met recht behooren. Op datum ut supra ten behoeven van J. C. H. Kuster eyscher en Triumphant op ende jeegens J. B. Oxley gedaagde en geexecuteerde, een halve Concessie bekend onder No. 70, geleegen aan de Noord Dam van Stabroek met het daar op staande woonhuys en zygebouw (zynde bouw vallig) alsmeede nog een negerin genaamt Carolina, alles blykens inventarissen daagelyks voor een ieder op 't Exploiteurs Comptoir te zien.
Zoo is 't dat iemand teegens gemelde verkoopingen eenig recht van oppositie vermeenen te hebben addresseeren zig ten Exploiteurs Comptoir voornoemd, in Gesschrifte als wanneer ik dezelve als opposant ontvangen, en ten daagen van Rechten beleggen zal sub poene van verstek en eeuwig stilswygen.
Jemand hier in gading vindende koomen ten vorsz. daagen ten Raad huyze op de Hoofdplaatz en doen hun profyt.
Rio Demerary, den 30e May 1806.
B. Tyssen, Exploiteur.
Alle die geenen die eenige pretentien hebben, of schuldig zyn, aan de volgende boedels van
[first column]
De Weduwe Van der Ark,
J. C. Urbany,
P. A. G. Heyfelder,
J. Neusmit,
J. S. Emmert,
Peter Merss,
Daniel Curry,
[second column]
John Thomas,
J. H. Barbary,
F. Wolf,
L. F. Schreibvogel,
J. Tapin,
P. Massiah, en
M. Barker.
[end columns]
Worden verzogt hunne pretentien op te geeven of de schulden te koomen voldoen binnen den tyd van acht maanden ter respective Wees en onbeheerde Boedel Kamer deezer Rivier, alzoo aa [?] expiratie van gemeld termyn door den Edelen Achtbaaren Hove van Justitie zal worden geimponeert het eeuwig silentium.
Actum ter Gressie Demerary, den 24 May 1806
J. Ceurvorst, rovl. Gressier.
The Undersigned will be in Fort Island on Sunday the 8th of June, and the three following days, there to appoint his Office, and receive the Taxes due to the Sovereign's Chest of Essequebo.
And he requests that those who are now in arrears will repair there, to pay them, on one of those days.
May 30, 1806. Theophilus Williams,
Receiver of the King's Chest of Essequebo.
Pursuant to a Proclamation of the Hon. Court of Policy, and by permission of the Hon. F. P. van Berckel, Fiscal, at the expiration of three Weeks from the date hereof, will be sold, at public Vendue, a bay Stallion, brought by the Military on the 25th instant; and a ditto Gelding, brought by the Dienaars. Meanwhile the Owners may have them restored, on paying the expences to
J. Runnels, J.Z.
Stabroek, May 31, 1806. Sheriff.
TO BE SOLD, [heading]
A Fine Tract of Land on the West Side of Demerary River, being One Half of the Plantation Jacoba's Lust, situate between the Estates of Messrs. Edmonstone & Graaff, and opposite the Plantation Friendship. This portion, containing Fifty Roods in Front, more or less, is now in full bearing of Plantains, and will soon produce an abundant supply of that article. In its present state, this property would be a desirable acquisition to any Planter on the Coasts, from the certainty of finding at all times an inexhaustible Stock of Provisions, with the further prospect of advancing the cultivation of Coffee, of which there are a Few Thousand Trees already planted.
For further particulars, apply to the Subscriber, who is fully authorized, and with whom a Chart of the Estate may be seen.
Demerary, May 31, 1806. Jas. Greenwood.
For Sale by Private Contract, and, if not sold by the 1st of November next, will then be put up at public Auction, all those valuable Lots, Buildings, and Stelling, now occupied by John Madden, & Co. the excellent situation of which for Business, is too well known to need any recommendation.
Vlissingen, May 31, 1806.
In consequence of the Rain this morning, the intended Parade of the Stabroek Companies of Militia is postponed until next Monday, in the Morning or Afternoon, as the weather may permit, and which will be indicated by the Drum and Bugle going round at either period as usual.
It is expected that the Companies will muster as strong and complete in Arms and Uniforms as possible, in order to prepare for the Celebration of His Majesty's Birth-Day on Wednesday next.
Stabroek, Saturday, May 31, 1806. C. Macrae,
Major, commanding 1st Bat. D.M.
Absented himself from the Subscriber, a middling sized Negro, named Jack. He speaks English, Creole Dutch, and a little French, and is more sharp than the generality of Negroes. Whoever will lodge him in the Barracks, or deliver him up to the Undersigned, shall be handsomely rewarded; and all Masters of Vessels and Others are cautioned against Harbouring the said Slave, as the utmost Rigour of the Law will be enforced against any person so offending.
Stabroek, May 31, 1806. J. M. Spooner.
Run Away from the Subscriber, on Saturday, the 24th Instant, a Negro Man, named Nilson. He is stout, about 5 feet 7 inches high, and speaks good English. Whoever will apprehend the said Negro, shall receive Two Joes Reward.
Demerary, May 31, 1806. Thomas Marsh.
Run Away from the Subscriber, eight days ago, a Negro Boy, named Nelson, about 5 feet 4 inches high, 17 years old, well made, and black skin. Whoever will apprehend and deliver him to the Barracks or to the Undersigned, shall be liberally rewarded.
Demerary, May 31, 1806. W. Mitchell.
Run Away from the Subscriber, on Tuesday last, a Negro Boy, named Postillion, formerly the property of P. F. Tinne, Esq. Whoever will apprehend and deliver him to the Undersigned, shall receive One Joe Reward; and all Masters of Vessels and Others are cautioned against harbouring him
Stabroek, May 31, 1806. J. Runnels, JZ.
Run Away from the Subscriber a Negro Man, named Demerary, remarkably stout, and well known in this town. Whoever will apprehend the said Negro, and deliver him to the Subscriber, or lodge him in the Barracks, shall be handsomely rewarded.
Stabroek, May 31, 1806. N. Volkerts.
FOR SALE, [heading]
Twelve Young Seasoned Negroes, whereof eight are Men, and four are Women. The Seller, in order to accommodate a Purchaser, will take in Payment approved Bills of Exchange, at nine months' sight, payable in London. For further particulars apply to the Printer of this Paper.
Stabroek, May 31, 1806.
E. C. Eli, not having it in his power personally to bid adieu to his numerous Friends, hereby begs them to accept his best thanks for all favours conferred; at the same time offering his wishes for their health and welfare during his absence.
Stabroek, May 31, 1806.
All those indebted to the Estate of William Leeds, dec. are earnestly solicited to come forward and pay the respective amounts to the Subscriber, on or before the 20th instant, otherwise (without respect to persons), they will be treated as the Law directs.
Demerary, May 31, 1806. Amos Leeds.
The Subscribers have For Sale, at the House in which Mr. C. D. Forrester lately carried on Business, a large Assortment of
CHOICE PROVISIONS [centered heading]
Imported in the ship British Queen from Bristol,
which they will dispose of, for immediate Payment in Cash or Produce, Full Thirty Per Cent Under the customary Prices. They consist of
[first column]
Pickled Beef and Pork
Rounds of Beef
Pickled and Smoked Tongues
Jars of Tripe and Oysters
Kips of Salmon
[second column]
Irish Butter
Double Refined Loaf Sugar
Almonds and Raisins
Barley, Spices, &c. &c. &c.
ALSO [centered]
White Lead and Paint Oil, Hessian, Back strapped, and Yellow top Boots, Negro Jackets, &c.
G. M. Forrester,
Stabroek, May 31, 1806. James Elder.
A QUANTITY OF [heading]
Best Old London Particular Madeira Wine,
Imported per the Brig Claude Scott, Captain William Croft,
TO BE SOLD [centered]
On very reasonable Terms, for Prompt Payment, by
F. C. Otto.
Stabroek, May 31, 1806.
PUBLIC DINNER. [heading]
The Widow of A. C. Warnecke has the honour to inform the Public, that it is her intention to DINE GENTLEMEN on a liberal plan, for a Monthly Subscription, as soon as she can obtain the Names of six respectable Persons. She flatters herself, that, by care and attention, she will be able to manage to the satisfaction of all who may favour her with their company, and therefore, with some degree of confidence, solicits the countenance of the public.
Subscriptions received at her present residence, next to the house of H. C. Evertz, Esq. now occupied by J. T. Mathews, Esq. LL.D.
Demerary, May 31, 1806.
J. Thibou Matthews, LL.D. informs the Public, that his Office is removed to the House lately occupied by H. Cantzlaar, Esq. Attorney at law, on Werk & Rust; where he will attend from Eight to Two o'Clock.
Werk & Rust, May 31, 1806.
The Subscriber hereby gives Notice that his Domicilium Citandi et Executandi is at the House of C. W. E. Hofstede, Esq. LL.D.
Demerary, May 31, 1806. John Staunton.
Whereas a Quantity of Goods were shipped by Messrs. Bruce and Boens, of Bristol marked H. on board the British Queen, I. S. Shilstone, Master. The person to whom they may be addressed, is requested to make application for them on board the said ship, or at the Store of
Demerary, May 30, 1806. C. D. Forrester.
As there have been no arrivals this week, except from America, we have it not in our power, of course, to lay before our readers any very late European intelligence.
John Brown, Esq. (with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel) and J. R. Brandt and P. V. de Veer, Esqrs. (with rank of Captain) are appointed Aides-de Camp to his Excellencey the Lieutenant Governor.
The Merchants and Planters of this Colony have voted a Sword of One Hundred Guineas value to Lieut. James Glassford Gooding, as a testimony of their approbation of his services in protecting the Coasting Trade, while commanding the armed schooner Berbice, lately lost in the River.
PUBLIC VENDUES, in Stabroek and its Environs. [heading]
On Thursday the 5th of June, at the house of Mr. Wm. Heathcote, a quantity of Rice
On Friday the 6th of June, at the Store of T. T. Thompson, Esq. Plantation Vlissingen, a quantity of Provisions, Liquors, &c. &c.
On Monday the 16th , and Tuesday the 17th of June, at the house of C. H. De Munnick, Esq. Provisions, Plantation Stores, and Dry Goods.
On Monday the 23d of June, at the Store of Mr. O. J. Lorrain [sic], Werk and Rust, a Schooner of Colony wood, three Boat and eleven House Negroes, a Chaise and Horse, Household Furniture, Provisions, Dry Goods, &c.
On Wednesday, the 2d of July, at the Vendue Office, from 25 to 30 Carpenter and Sawyer Negroes; and a piece of Land situated near the Sand Hills, of 50 roods facade. Also about 500 acres of land, on the South side of Canal no. 1.
On Monday, the 14th of July, the Plantation Flensburg. See Advert.
For the Rest of the Advertisements, see Supplement.
Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.
May 27. Brig Dove, Samuel Freeman, from New London, with Beef, Hams, Bread, Flour, Tar, Pitch, Staves, Hoops, Horses and Mules
May 27. Schooner Antelope, Josiah Rogers, from New London, with Ditto.
May 27. Ship Harmony, Wm. Wilson, for London.
May 27. Brig Pope, Wm. Beattie, for Liverpool.
May 28. Schooner Camilla, Jas. Redmond, for Barbados.
May 29. Brig Brothers, Geo. Raveley, for Liverpool.
May 29. Ship Neptune, Ralph Hard, for London.
May 30. Schooner Sally, Rich. Kent, for Boston.
May 30. Snow Clarence, Js. Grieve, for Liverpool.
May 30. Ship Backhouse, Wm. Kelly, for London.
May 30. Brig Amazon, John Stone, for Wilmington.
May 30. Bark Rodie, Th. Keen, for Liverpool.
Brig George, Matthew Red, for London.
May 31. Ship Hero, Js. Carnochan, for Greenock.
May 31. Ship St. Andrew, Th. Ritchie, for Greenock.
May 31. Ship Alexander, Rob. Scott, for Glasgow.
May 31. Ship Eglintoune, W. Hamilton, for Glasgow.
List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves. [not transcribed]
N. Volkerts, Printer, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.

zaterdag 2 november 2013

Francois James Tyndall

‘s Hage, 4 december 1856.
Mr. François James Tyndall en Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth, weduwe wijlen
den weledelgestrenge heer mr. C.H. Perk, advocaat en auditeur-militair
te Amsterdam.

Mr. François James Tyndall en Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth, weduwe wijlen
den weledelgestrenge heer mr. C.H. Perk, advocaat en auditeur-militair
te Amsterdam.
’s Hage, 29 december 1856.
Bevallen van eene dochter, Vrouwe Emilie Sophie Beth, hartelijk
geliefde echtgenoote van mr. J.F. Tyndall.
Voorburg, 23 augustus 1857.
Door ’s Heeren goedheid beviel heden zeer voorspoedig van eene
dochter, Vrouwe E.S. Beth, hartelijk geliefde echtgenoote van mr. F.J.
’s Gravenhage, 18 october 1858.
Door ’s Heeren goedheid is heden zeer voorspoedig van een welgeschapen
zoon bevallen, Vrouwe E.S. Tyndall-Beth, hartelijk geliefde
echtgenoote van mr. F. J. Tyndall.
’s Hage, 19 januarij 1860.